At the heart of Ingenuity Lab and the groundbreaking research it carries out is Dr Carlo Montemagno, the research initiative’s director and visionary. As a pioneer of nanotechnology, Dr Montemagno is accustomed to breaking down barriers, challenging traditional theories and offering new scientific solutions. It is with this mindset that he has been able to create a unique environment for tackling the globe’s biggest challenges.
Dr Montemagno holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Cornell University in Agricultural and Biological Engineering (1980), a Master of Science degree from Pennsylvania State University in Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering (1990) and a PhD in Civil Engineering and Geological Sciences from the University of Notre Dame (1995).
After completing his undergraduate studies in 1980, he joined the United States Navy and served for 10 years in several senior management positions as a Civil Engineering Corps Officer. He then joined Argonne National Laboratory, where he led laboratory and field investigations developing bioremediation technology for the treatment of hazardous waste. Upon obtaining his PhD in Civil Engineering, he began his academic career as an Assistant Professor at Cornell University in the Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, where he was a pioneer in the field of nanobiotechnology. In 2006, his career veered, for a time, towards university administration when he became Dean of Engineering and Applied Science at the University of Cincinnati.
In 2012, Dr Montemagno was lured back to the world of research when the opportunity to lead a large-scale nanotechnology accelerator initiative in Alberta materialised. His background traversing agricultural and bioengineering, petroleum engineering, and nanotechnology made him an ideal choice to lead the exciting new programme. The opportunity was significant and he viewed Alberta as a land of opportunity with an entrepreneurial spirit; he decided to make the move to Canada. The vision of advancing technologies to solve grand challenges recaptured his imagination. The initiative is now branded as Ingenuity Lab.
Located within the University of Alberta, Canada, Ingenuity Lab is an assembly of multi-disciplinary experts who work closely to develop technological advancements in ways that are not otherwise possible. Not only is Ingenuity Lab different to other initiatives in the way it operates its goal-orientated and holistic approach, but also in the progressive way it conducts research. In this model, limitations on creativity that surround the traditional university faculty model (which rewards individual success and internal competition) are overcome.
With global expansion in mind, Dr Montemagno is using the Ingenuity Lab template to spark new initiatives in other countries as a way to tap into the world’s best talent and solve societal problems using a coordinated approach. This, he believes, will create a far greater chance of success than local, regional or even national efforts.
The New Economy had the opportunity to speak to Dr Carlo Montemagno about his fascinating career. We also learned what inspired him to challenge the status quo in scientific research in order to solve the world’s most pressing humanitarian and environmental problems through science and technology.
What motivated you to study Agricultural and Biological Engineering, and then Petroleum
and Natural Gas Engineering?
I was essentially driven by curiosity. I’ve always been interested in the way things work and, at that point in time in my career, I didn’t really understand how oil was produced and because I didn’t know anything about it, [Pennsylvania State University] was a good place to go and study.
Did your studies inspire you to carry on a career in science?
What you find is that all the principles associated with physics and mathematics transcend all applications in terms of change. So what I came to realise was that the demarcations of disciplines were very artificial. The real path forward for solving problems was identifying the nature of the problem and drawing on all of the physics and mathematics and biological aspects associated with that problem – that meant ignoring traditional disciplinary boundaries.
What was it that persuaded you to pursue a PhD in Civil Engineering and Geological Sciences?
Well, firstly, it was because I wanted to gain a deeper understanding, and secondly it was the personal motivation to become a great inventor and have the necessary credentials to pursue that path forward.
What led you to a career in academia at Cornell University?
Cornell is a great university. Ezra Cornell and Andrew Dickson founded a unique model where anyone can come to learn about anything. It is an organisation that is inclusive; it has no limits on the subject matter that you can investigate or the way you can investigate the subject matter. For me it was the ideal location to begin pursuing my career with a personal objective to solve problems in the areas of agriculture, environment and health.
What moments would you say have steered you down your current path?
When I was an undergraduate at Cornell, my advisor was Norm Scott. He’s an extraordinary man and, even as a junior, he took me under his wing. He guided me to write my first funded proposal and gave me my first taste of becoming an independent investigator, pursuing knowledge of my own design, which was limited only by my own intellect and ambition. And it’s a pretty heady experience the first time you are given free rein to pursue your own ideas – and that for me was the moment that let me know that this is what I wanted to do.
Who are your biggest inspirations?
My biggest science inspiration is the Wright brothers. They were the first people who systematically pursued the creation of knowledge in a very rigorous way to achieve a technological outcome. There are many scientists who pursue knowledge for knowledge’s sake, but they engaged in a sense of rogue maths for everyone that came afterwards: namely, how do you systematically dissect a complex problem where the solution isn’t known but the end goal was identified? I use that model as we move forward with Ingenuity Lab to try to derive solutions to problems that people previously thought were intractable.
What was it like to be at the forefront of an innovation as exciting and wide-ranging as nanotechnology?
Lonely. In a sense that was because I didn’t fit into a compartment; I was basically out on a limb. The work that made my career to that point was making this molecule that had a little rotor on top. When I sent my proposal to the National Institute of Health, they told me I couldn’t do the engineering, and when I sent it to the engineering director at the National Science Foundation, they told me I couldn’t do the biology. Basically, everybody defined the world based upon what they knew they could do and it left me standing out in the middle. So it was an interesting situation to be in – especially as a junior professor at the time.
How did you deal with that and get through to the next stage?
I knew I was right so I pursued people who didn’t look at boundaries. And, ultimately, my original work was funded by the Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), which has a history of funding work that pushes the envelope. Once I was successful, everyone wanted to fund me! But as for that initial element, DARPA is the agency that I credit with providing me [with] the necessary resources to be successful.
In your current work, what and who inspires you?
I’m inspired by my grandkids and future generations. Historically, every generation has faced multiple challenges and it seems that the challenges become stiffer all the time. And so my goal is: I want to engage in activities that will enable me to leave the world a better place when I’m gone and establish a path forward so that my grandchildren and their children can have as prosperous a life as we’ve had.
Was that one of the reasons you chose to launch Ingenuity Lab?
That was a principle reason, actually. I left academic administration as I realised that I could have a bigger impact by engaging in an investigatory avenue that enabled me to address problems I felt weren’t being adequately addressed by the current funding infrastructure. The Government of Alberta gave me a framework that allowed me to pursue this, and this framework has enabled me to begin doing things that hopefully will have a very significant impact globally.
What would you say is driving Ingenuity Lab’s business success?
I manage the programmes at Ingenuity Lab as big science projects. Firstly, we have established a coherent framework for leveraging the attributes of higher education, industry and government, so we are able to synergistically blend their needs and resources together to help achieve defined goals. Secondly, I’ve created a multidisciplinary team who coordinate their research around the big challenges. And so, as the success of the project is dependent on everyone's successful contribution to the team, it’s a team success, not an individual’s success. That’s quite different to the way most academic research is conducted. But it is consistent with the big mega science projects that you see in everything from the US space programme to building the super collider in CERN. Of course, there are many people who contribute to make the end goal a reality, and so what I do, on a smaller scale, is establish research enterprises that are focused on making this end goal a reality and bringing on people who want to work as team members, and not as individuals.
What are the big challenges ahead?
Well first off, I think the biggest challenge is water. It's the biggest challenge that we are all faced with globally, and not just in terms of drinking water, but water for use in agricultural production and irrigation. I think there are solutions that we are engaged in that have the opportunity to tackle this problem and change the variability the climate has on the impact of food production and the issues associated with it. The other challenges that we are looking at are areas of food and nutraceuticals; we’ve been able to take low value, low yield commodities and economically transform them into products that provide a high level of value to people. We’re working in the areas of energy and environment also to figure out how to make cleaner energy and how to maximise the utility of the resources that we produce. Finally, we’re working on advanced materials for a number of different things. One of the most exciting is making biologically smart materials that we can use in everything from implants in people, to being able to generate energy or to actively separate one form of material from another. So all these things have a significant role in a number of grand societal challenges associated with the health and prosperity of people.
How do you think Ingenuity Lab is transforming the way scientific research is conducted?
Through the formation of multidisciplinary teams, coordinated research around big challenges, and managing them with a goal-oriented direction. I think that’s very important and it is an essential element that distinguishes Ingenuity Lab from the way that research is conducted at most institutions.
How do you see Ingenuity Lab developing in the coming years?
I view Ingenuity Lab as a template and mechanism for solving today’s difficult societal challenges, and am working to replicate it around the world through the creation of a global network. I would like to replicate it in China, India, Europe and the United States; the idea is that we’ll have global talent who are collectively focused on solving big problems in a coordinated way, as opposed to independent teams, each trying to solve little pieces of the puzzle that don’t provide deployable solutions.
What challenges face Ingenuity Lab?
The biggest challenge we face is the same one every organisation faces: we are constrained by the resources of time and money. How to prioritise which projects we undertake and which projects we must defer. Part of the motivation for becoming a global network is to generate additional resources that can be brought to bear to collectively solve more problems across borders.
How do you see your work within the global context?
I think the world is full of smart people. But smart people working independently and without coordination rely on random events to generate big breakthroughs. When people are coordinated and focussed on defined goals, then the breakthroughs will be both more relevant and timely. By understanding that reality and by working on the development of partnerships with people who wish to work together, you can leverage intellectual and financial resources to generate output beyond the value of the individual component pieces.
How do you see nanotechnology evolving over the next decade?
I think there will be further blurring of the lines between the biotic and abiotic worlds. I think we will see a whole new class of materials and systems with a line between living and non-living that is not quite as sharp and distinct. The systems are going to have the type of functionality that now appears in fantasy and science fiction literature, but will become a reality. We will be able to see things that respond to touch and change shape, we’ll see materials that actively sense their local environment, respond to it and process information internally as being part of the materials. These are all things that are coming, and they are coming very, very quickly.
What areas in science are the most pressing in terms of improving mankind and our world?
I think that the availability of water for multiple uses is by far the biggest problem we have globally. If we’re able to solve that problem, a whole suite of other problems, from disease to malnutrition and conflict caused by a lack of resources will go away. If we can provide enough water to sustain agricultural production so that everybody can be fed and so that nobody is subject to disease from unsanitary conditions, the root cause of much of the world’s misery will be resolved.
How do the public and private sectors contribute to the type of research that makes the world a better place?
The biggest obstacle – and you’ve heard this many times – is being afraid to take risks. Everybody wants to be seen to be the leader but, when push comes to shove, they always end up looking either for exemplars (somebody who has done it before) or they want to fund activities in which the certainty of success is guaranteed. The end result is that the rate of progress is slowed; I think it’s economically inefficient and it doesn’t provide a chance for the breakthrough event that public and private sectors want and expect when they fund research and development activities. They need to be unafraid to take risks, they need to fund research based upon globally, or at least regionally, significant challenges and have the research directed at solving those challenges in a coordinated way. Saying that you want to deal with new ways of solving x, but then funding proposals to solve y because success is assured, or providing funding at a low level will not solve significant challenges; instead, you end up with a bunch of irrelevant publications and, at best, incremental advancement.
What would you say are your biggest achievements to date?
My biggest achievement is my family, for sure: my grandchildren. The second would be my intellectual family: the students who I educated and are now productively working in the world and making a difference.