Frederico Amâncio on Suape Port | Suape Complexio Portuário
The New Economy interviews Frederico Amâncio, Vice President of Suape Complexio Portuário, on investing in north-east Brazil’s main shipping gateway
Show transcriptSuape is the main shipping gateway in north-east Brazil – but as a hub for more than 100 companies across a range of economically significant industries, it is far more than just a port. Frederico Amâncio discusses what a further investment of $1bn will add to Suape’s existing $22bn structure, and the importance of developing sustainably in an area of rich environmental importance.
The New Economy: The key thing with any port of course is its location, so what makes Suape stand out in this regard?
Frederico Amâncio: Two important characteristics os Suape is the infrastructure, the deep waters and all the imported infrastructure projects and the location. Suape is located on the North east of Brazil and today is the main gateway for the north and north east brazil very close to Europe and very close to North America.
The New Economy: And it’s not just a port, its a hub for more than 100 companies. What kind of benefits does that bring?
Frederico Amâncio: We have more than 100 companies, some of them are in the logistic area but many industries like refineries, shipyards and other companies. These companies are really connected with the port operations.
The New Economy: So how is Suape growing along with Brazil’s economy?
Frederico Amâncio: Brazil is in a special moment right now. Is one of the countries that drills more in the world right now. Is the seventh economy in the world and Pernambuco, the state where Suape is located, is a region who drills more than Brazil. And the numbers of Suape are really better than all the ports in Brazil. Last year the cargo handling grew 25% in tons and continues 35%. So the port is growing much more than the economy of the state of Pernambuco, and more than the economy of Brazil. So the numbers are very very important for Suape today.
The New Economy: Indeed the numbers are large. How much has been invested into making Suape what it is now?
Frederico Amâncio: Right now there are being invested more than $1billion in infrastructure in the port of Suape. And also there are more than $22billion in private investments in Suape right now. We are talking about a new oil refinery, shipyards, a steel mill, petrochemical plant. So very important projects not just for the region, not just for Brazil but also for the port of Suape.
The New Economy: So how do you achieve that balance between growth and sustainability?
Frederico Amâncio: Sustainability is an important issue for the port of Suape. More than 59% of the area of the port of Suape is dedicated for ecological environment and preservation and we have many important projects, not just in the environmental area but also in the social area and working with the population of the region.
The New Economy: And looking ahead, how do you think we will see Suape developing in the future?
Frederico Amâncio: The port of Suape is working to become an important motor of sustainability and economic development not just for the region but also for the whole country. Suape is the most important gateway for north and north east Brazil but we want to be the best, not just the best but also the most important hub port in Brazil in the near future.
The New Economy: Frederico Amâncio, Thank you very much
Frederico Amâncio: And thank you very much for the opportunity.