Tech Energy Business Strategy Videos Reports
Tech Energy Business Strategy Videos Reports Digital Editions

Assessing the risk of a cataclysm

As those who have so far survived the financial crisis pick over the wreckage to develop enhanced predictors of market risk, Zari Rachev’s are among the offerings for people who believe statistical models can help

A major player

The National Bank of Greece opened for business 168 years ago, and since then has grown into a key player in the European banking sector

The changing nature of risk

From all sides, bankers and executives have been lambasted for failing to understand the risks inherent in their businesses, or even to get involved in how they were being managed. But what if the reasoning is simpler still – do executives really understand what is actually meant by “risk”?

Rich failing to honour pledges

Rich nations will fail to honour aid pledges made five years ago, the OECD has announced, and Africa in particular looked certain to suffer from the shortfall

Crack down on coke

Peru’s anti-drug police are locked in an ongoing game of cat-and-mouse in the Ene and Apurimac River Valleys against drug runners, many of whom are aligned with a remnant band of about 200 leftist Shining Path guerrillas. But the government appears to be losing the battle

Japan GDP jumps as stimulus masks deflation crisis

Japan’s economy grew faster than expected in the fourth quarter with a stimulus-fuelled rebound in domestic demand and a corporate investment revival masking rising deflationary pressure and the risk of a slowdown in 2010