Transatomic’s design for safer, cheaper nuclear power
Company researches new approach to nuclear power; proposes sustainability
Having worked towards pioneering futures in producing safer, cleaner nuclear energy for the past two years, Transatomic is currently developing a nuclear reactor expected reduce the costs of power plants by 50 percent. The company’s proposed molten-salt reactor – whilst not being the first of its type – is the first such of its kind to harbour the potential for commercial use.
Though at present the design only exists on paper, conceptual drawings indicate that the reactor can be built onsite – as opposed to being shipped – and that the design will furthermore allow for it to run on nuclear waste.
Concerns regarding safety and waste disposal, as well as highly subjective costs, have contributed in large part to the stalling of nuclear power plant construction – most notably in the US, Japan and Germany. Transatomic’s conceptual demonstrations have, to some degree, offset concerns of this nature and allowed for the company to raise $1m in seed funding so far.