3M has over 35 units including: consumer and office, display and graphics, electro and comms, healthcare, security and protection, industrial and transportation, adhesives, abrasives, light management and nanotechnology Originally intended as a vehicle for selling the mineral corundum, 3M has since become a multinational conglomerate valued at $30bn. Having developed products such as waterproof sandpaper, […]

3M has over 35 units including: consumer and office, display and graphics, electro and comms, healthcare, security and protection, industrial and transportation, adhesives, abrasives, light management and nanotechnology
Originally intended as a vehicle for selling the mineral corundum, 3M has since become a multinational conglomerate valued at $30bn. Having developed products such as waterproof sandpaper, masking tape and cellophane, 3M’s corporate identity is best known for demonstrating a commitment to unique and innovative products, with33 percent of its yearly sales made from new products. 3M says its business model exhibits an “ability to not only develop unique products, but also to manufacture them efficiently and consistently around the world”.