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Email: enquiries@theneweconomy.com
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All media enquiries should, in the first instance, be directed to:
Richard Willcox
Email: richard@wnmedia.com
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Email: enquiries@theneweconomy.com
About The New Economy magazine
The New Economy is provided to Finance Directors, Chief Financial Officers and their legal and strategic advisers, corporate treasurers and leading bankers, institutional investors and compliance officers, regulators, Ministers of Finance, Energy/Environment Ministries and their senior council. The New Economy’s remit is to engender financial investment and encourage discussion and debate of appropriate strategies for the promotion of global economic growth in a concise and constructive format.
The approach is to create thought leaders in chosen content areas and invite them to knowledge share, providing a platform which allows their analysis and experience to be seen by enterprise Financial Strategists, whilst their presence identifies their organisations as Market Leaders.