Snøhetta is one of the leading architectural landscape firms in Norway and has helped popularise the now omnipresent ‘Nordic style’ building. Founded in 1989, the company is behind some of the most iconic structures in Norway, such as the Norwegian National Opera and Ballet, and the Lillehammer Art Museum. It has also won a number […]

Snøhetta is one of the leading architectural landscape firms in Norway and has helped popularise the now omnipresent ‘Nordic style’ building. Founded in 1989, the company is behind some of the most iconic structures in Norway, such as the Norwegian National Opera and Ballet, and the Lillehammer Art Museum. It has also won a number of awards for its work around the world, most notably the Library of Alexandria in Egypt, for which it won the Aga Khan Award for Architecture. Its buildings are well known for their clean lines and creative use of modern technology.