In partnership with the sun
The latest challenge from Kerself is aimed at Borsa Italiana (the Italian Stock Exchange), with the company in the process of upgrading to the market reserved for high requirement companies with a high level of liquidity, known as the STAR.
The latest challenge from Kerself is aimed at Borsa Italiana (the Italian Stock Exchange), with the company in the process of upgrading to the market reserved for high requirement companies with a high level of liquidity, known as the STAR.
In the last few years, Kerself has won the trust of investors and the market in which it operates, to become the Italian leader in the engineering, design, production, installation and distribution of photovoltaic energy plants.
Founded in 1998 by its current chairman and CEO, Pier Angelo Masselli, the company has gradually extended its operations and markets, by means of a growth strategy that has always aimed high – from photovoltaic systems to the new frontiers of renewable energy, the Italian market to Europe and beyond. Based in Correggio, near Reggio Emilia in northern Italy, this is an ecological company par excellence, offering products and solutions for the development of clean energy while safeguarding the environment.
Steady growth
Over the last few years, Kerself has expanded through organic growth and important, targeted acquisitions in the photovoltaic sector. The forecast turnover of the group for 2009 is €400m, with an EBITDA of €55m. It directly controls five companies, Helios Technology, Nuova Thermosolar, DEA, Saem and Ecoware, all of which operate in the solar energy sector. With a direct and indirect workforce of more than a thousand, the group exports its photovoltaic systems to the main Mediterranean countries, while at the same time keeping a careful eye on the non-European markets, America especially.
Kerself has achieved its competitive advantage not only by means of technological and functional innovation, design and the availability of a broad range of products and solutions, but also by means of a vertically integrated group structure, using single specialist companies with experience in different stages of the process, from the production of cells and modules to the engineering, design, installation and distribution of photovoltaic plants of all sizes, from small units to major solar energy fields. Among the main success factors are the quality of the production processes, research and development, a strategy based on creating loyalty among installers of proven experience, and a sales network which operates throughout the country.
“Our company has always been environment∞ friendly, and we’ve always backed a sustainable energy model based on renewable sources,” says Angelo Masselli, who is proud of his business model and its ability to create value and employment.
Another important point of the group strategy is alliances. In 2008, Avelar Energy, a company belonging to the Russian giant Renova, became a shareholder of Kerself, where it plays a role as a solid business and industrial partner, with an agreement to install more than 100 MW by 2011. In the meantime, Masselli has set up important negotiations with some of the biggest international market leaders in the photovoltaic sector and in the production of thin film (the latest frontier in the photovoltaic area) with a view to guaranteeing the finest technology available at all times. A number of cooperation projects are also going ahead in other renewable energy sectors, such as geothermal energy and eco∞compatible materials for building and energy∞saving applications, as is also taking place in other European countries.
The internal R&D team, in cooperation with the most important Italian university research departments, is focusing on the applications front with a view to guaranteeing products of excellence at all times, tailored for the requirements of each customer.
Taking advantage of opportunities
The international development of Kerself is on-going, thanks to a few important agreements recently signed, which will contribute to the expansion of the group’s growth strategy. The first of these involves the setting up of a joint venture in Israel, along with important local enterprises operating in the renewable energy sector. The agreement aims at taking advantage of the opportunities offered by the Israeli market, thanks to the prospect of new, incentive-based tariffs and the excellent sunshine exposure of the country. Kerself will provide its know∞how in fixed structure technology and biaxial digital trackers, while the Israeli partners will share its commercial contacts network and will install the equipments directly on-site.
The latest important agreement is a contract signed with a fund in The Netherlands, for the development of renewable energy projects in Europe, involving the turnkey supply of photovoltaic plants with a total output of 25 MW in 2009. Financial funding has already been received from a major European bank, and the plants will be built in the Marche and Puglia regions, in central and southern Italy respectively. The agreement also extends into the years to come, and involves the supply of turnkey plants with an additional output of 75 MW by 2011.
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